Monday, December 14, 2009

Technology Action Plan and Organizational Chart

Technology Action Plan

Description: The administration, faculty and staff at Clinton P. Russell Elementary school plan to improve student achievement by gathering, analyzing and using data from a variety of sources in order to make informed decisions regarding the integration of technology into curriculum and instruction.
• Increase the use of technology to gather and analyze data by 90%.
• Increase the use of available technology in the classroom by 90%.
• Develop a plan for consistent formative assessments that are analyzed in a timely manner in order to impact learning.
• Provide ongoing staff development to meet technology goals.
Tasks Timeline Person(s) Responsible Status
Meet with all stakeholders to review STaR Chart Data familiarize faculty with the National Educational Technology Standards in order evaluate the needs of the school in regards to technology. February, 2010 Mary Haywood (Principal)
Dee Skaggs (Committee Chair) On January 4th, 2010, the committee will present a power point detailing recent STaR Chart data and establishing a committee to use the information as a guideline for reaching NET*S.
Develop a cadre of key personnel to be trained in the use of AEISit software and hardware. November, 2009 Mary Haywood (Principal)
Dee Skaggs, Rick Farrell, Paula Williams (Committee Members) The committee received training in November. The scanners have been ordered and paid for and are scheduled for delivery in late December.
Initiate a system of monthly meetings that are designed to evaluate student data. May, 2010 Mary Haywood (Principal) Rick Farrell, Paula Williams, Shannon Loftis, Rhenette Simpson (CILT) Content meetings are in place which focus on:
• What we want the students to learn.
• How we will measure their learning.
• What we will do if students are having difficulty learning.
The next component to be added is to create a uniform system of assessment and evaluation of that data.
Create and administer a technology needs’ assessment that is personalized to the school environment. January, 2010 Mary Haywood (Principal)
Dee Skaggs (Committee Member) Using the STaR Chart as a guide, the committee is developing a technology needs’ assessment, that allows for scaffolding to reach goals.
Inventory all available technology (hardware and software) in a concise and user friendly manner in order managed our technology assets and stop “pc drift”. February, 2010 Mary Haywood (Principal) ‘
Omar Harris (Campus Technology Directory) An inventory list has been created. The next step is to visit each room in the building, including storage rooms, to document exactly what is available on the campus.

Progress Report
Date Range: October 2009 – May 2010 Team: Clinton P. Russell Technology Team Participants:
M. Haywood, D. Skaggs, R. Farrell, P. Williams, O. Harris, K. Meador, R. Simpson, S. Loftis
Project Description of Project: Clinton P. Russell Elementary set out to improve student achievement by gathering, analyzing and using data from a variety of sources in order to make informed decisions regarding the integration of technology into curriculum and instruction. The project components are: Address staff development needs, asset management and data analysis, all in keeping with Richard DuFours’ ideas that Professional Learning Communities should focus on what the students need to know, ways in which to assess students achievement, and procedures to follow when students are not achieving as expected.
Staff Development Staff Development will focus on the following topics.
• Creating a shared vision that incorporates technology and learning through the use of digital-age resources. Begin by reviewing STaR Chart data. Allow participants to discuss “Why” we are stuck at the Developing Tech. stage, and facilitate a discussion of “How” to move forward.
• The use of hardware and software that is already located on our campus, but is be underused because personnel do not have the proper training or motivation. Review the campus data packet and the CIP. Use data analysis to identify the lowest student expectation from each content area. Create staff development sessions that use technology to improve student achievement in an attempt to integrate instruction and technology.
• Asset management that will allow all faculty members “as needed” access to computer hardware through a system of documented sharing. Staff development session will focus on the available hardware, its uses, how and when to use it, where it is stored, and how to set it up.
• Implement a series of three staff development on the use of AEISit tools.
• Session 1: Using the AEISit software.
• Session 2: Designing common assessments and using the scanner.
• Session 3: Interpreting the data from common assessments and using the data to increase achievement.
• Begin a book study blog. Participants increase their technology comfort level and skills while at the same time increasing their knowledge of their craft.

Evaluation In a effort to appraise the worthiness of all staff development activities in relation to student achievement evaluation will focus on participant’s learning, their use of the new knowledge and the impact it has had on student learning.
• Participant’s Learning: Participants will show mastery of use of new technology through simulations. Participants will “hook up” hardware such as SMART Boards, document cameras, classroom response systems and projectors. Participants will also show mastery of the use of software and programs such as AEISit, SMART technologies, e-blog, and other programs.
• Participant’s Use of New Knowledge and Skills: Learning Walks and peer-to-peer evaluations will be used to access participants use of new technologies.
• Student Learning Outcomes: Campus Data Packet, AEIS data, common assessment and district benchmarks will be used to access the impact of participant’s learning on student achievement.
Results The action plan will be revisited on a monthly basis. Results will be documented and changes will be made as needed to facilitate the integration of technology, curriculum, instruction and student learning.

Job Descriptions
• Superintendent of Schools: Sets policy and objectives as related to technology.
• Information and Technology Executive Director: Implements the superintendant’s policies and objectives as they relate to technology.
• Learning Community Director: interprets and understands the policies and objectives set by the superintendent, transmits information to principals and oversees training and implementation as related to technology.
• Principal: Oversees the implementation of technology at the campus level and coordinates training for the campus technology coordinator. Monitors implementation of technology at the campus level.
• Campus Technology Director: Oversees training for the teachers at the campus level as it pertains to technology.
• Teachers: Understand the policies and objectives from the superintendant, receive training in technology, introduce new technology, teach the technology to students, and monitor the success of the students.

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